The COP26 declaration was signed by the Netherlands on 8 November 2021. In doing so, the Netherlands has committed itself to the termination of new direct international government support to the unabated fossil energy sector and stimulating the energy transition from fossil to sustainable energy, using public support to increase the contribution of the private sector. In response to this, a first explanation of the scope of the COP26 declaration was given in the letter to Parliament of 8 November 2021. The more detailed elaboration follows below.
The Paris Agreement focuses, among other things, on reducing greenhouse gas emissions through the use of fossil fuels. The COP26 declaration focuses on the chain, extraction and production of fossil fuels by the fossil energy sector.
The following activities from the fossil value chain fall within the fossil energy sector:
Not excluded by the declaration are:
The starting point for the policy is ‘no, unless’, in line with 1.5°C.