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Dutch Trade & Investment Fund

Are you giving your foreign buyer payment deferrals through bills of exchange or promissory notes? And is your (home) bank unable to provide financing? Then you may be able to turn to the DTIF.

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How does it work and how do I apply for it?

The Dutch Trade & Investment Fund covers the payment risk. Under certain conditions, the Fund can also provide financing of up to €5 million to your buyer. The conclusion of such a financing contract is on a supplier credit basis and is accompanied by export credit insurance. Here Atradius can discount bills of exchange after delivery of the goods locally. This allows you to offer your buyer longer payment terms so that they may pay over several years. You can find out exactly how this works in the 'bills of exchange' flyer below. Atradius can also provide working capital.


This is subject to some additional conditions in addition to our regular conditions. Upon acceptance you will receive the same insurance documentation as under our regular Export Credit Insurance. You are therefore insured by the Dutch State. The premium is calculated in the same way as under the regular Export Credit Insurance.

Moba exports eggs grader to Latvia
With Atradius DSB financing DTIF

What are the conditions?

To qualify for financing from the DTIF, a number of additional conditions must be met in addition to our regular conditions:

Other possibilities through DTIF

DTIF also offers opportunities when Dutch SMEs invest, for example when expanding your business with a branch abroad. Then support in the form of loans and guarantees with a repayment obligation is possible. But also if you want to import from abroad and you cannot get the financing, DTIF offers possibilities to pre-finance your local supplier.

Both for investments and import transactions you can contact Invest International.

View the Invest International website
How much does export credit insurance cost?

The amount of the premium is fixed at the beginning of the transaction. It depends, among other things, on the amount of the contract, the country of export and your customer's rating. But the payment term also plays a role.

Go directly to the premium calculator
Anti-bribery statement and anti-bribery policy
Get more information and start your application by downloading the documents below
Related Documents
Application form exporter capital goods
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Contractor policy terms and conditions
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General conditions exporter capital goods
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Discounting bills of exchange
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Anti-bribery declaration
274 KB PDF

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Telephone: +31 (0)20 553 2693