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As a public export credit insurer and executor on behalf of the Dutch government, we follow national regulations to ensure responsible and transparent eci.

National regulations
Insurance on behalf of the government

As an official export credit insurer (ECA), we work on behalf of the government and complementary to the market. National and international rules apply to issuing publicly covered insurance.


In the Netherlands, the comprehensive policy is laid down by law in the National Budget as Export Credit Insurance (ECI), Guarantees and Investment Insurance and the Framework Act on Financial Provision. This policy provides a solid basis for our activities and ensures that we can operate in a responsible and transparent manner. Specifically, this policy is described in Article 5 of the National Budget, which focuses on export credit insurance, guarantees and investment insurance.

Read more about the national government
Policy documents
Environmental and social policy
2,479MB PDF
Disclosure policy
1,634MB PDF
Anti-bribery policy
1,779MB PDF
Anti-bribery declaration
0,266MB PDF
European and international frameworks
International cooperation

Not only at national, but also at European and international levels, we are active in negotiations with the OECD and the European Union. Within the OECD, we are involved in the "Arrangement on Officially Supported Export Credits," which promotes fair competition among participating countries through agreements on premiums, financing conditions and sectoral guidelines. This contributes to international standards, transparency and responsible financing practices to create a level playing field. The EU regulates and supports export credit insurers, with the Netherlands participating in multilateral arrangements through the European Commission.

Read more about our international cooperation

Doing more for green

Read about our climate approach

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Excluding the fossil value chain

View our exclusion list
