What is phishing and vishing?
Phishing is an attempt typically made by email or through a website to trick you into releasing personal or financial information, where that attempt looks like it comes from a valid sender, such as Atradius. This could include your date of birth, login information, bank account or credit card information, PIN codes, etc. Vishing is just such an attempt, only it takes place by phone.
How can I recognize phishing and vishing?
You should always be wary if you receive a phone call or message asking you for personal or financial information or messages directing you to a website asking for this information. Always ask yourself if this message from an apparently trustworthy organization may be an attempt at a scam.
How can I protect myself?
Be cautious. Atradius will never send unsolicited e-mail messages asking our customers to update or verify their personal and security information. Atradius will not call you to ask you to update or verify your information, particularly to disclose your password. Your login details are personal and should never be shared with anyone else. Be suspicious [wary?] if you receive a message with a general salutation such as "Dear valued customer"; when Atradius contacts you, we will always address you by your name.
Pay attention to warnings on the Atradius website. Think before you click on anything and take extra care at login screens. Cyber criminals can use links in emails, online ads and tweets to lead you to a fake website where they can steal your login information. Log into your account only if you are sure you went directly to the site in question. Check the following to help assure you are connected to a secure Atradius environment:
- Is the address of the Atradius Web site spelled correctly? Criminals often build websites under a slightly different name such as atardius.co.uk instead of atradius.co.uk
- (For the secure area of the Atradius Web site:) does the address begin with https://? The 's' stands for 'secure' which prevents personalization and scrambling and encrypts data. If you only see 'http' (without 's'), then the Internet connection is not secure.
- (For the secure portion of the Atradius website:) check that the security symbol (a padlock) is visible on your screen. You should see this lock symbol on every page you visit from the time you log in until you log out.
Make sure the software on your equipment is up to date and that security software is installed and working. In particular:
- Make sure your equipment is properly protected. Use up-to-date antivirus and anti-malware software and a firewall. Make sure these are automatically activated every time you turn on your equipment.
- Check regularly for updates to your operating system and software (Apps, virus scanner, Internet browser and browser plug-ins) and install them as soon as they are available.
- Do not install software (apps, virus scanner, internet browser or browser plug-ins) that come from an unknown source.
- Make sure your wireless connection is secure.
- Make sure your plug-ins are up-to-date and only come from sites you trust (extra features for computer programs. Examples include Adobe Reader, Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight, Java).
What should I do if I suspect a phishing or vishing attempt?
Most importantly, never answer a suspicious request with your personal or financial information.
Do not fill out forms or login screens linked from such requests.
Contact Atradius through your usual contact to report the phishing attempt. In doing so, be careful not to contact them in any way through the suggestions made in the suspicious email. Therefore, do not reply to this email or click on the links it contains. Also be careful not to contact us by phone after a suspected vishing attempt - wait a few minutes before calling Atradius, considering the fraudster may have kept the line open.