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Head of SME's & New Business
SME's & New Business

Stephan Naber

Responsible with the team for Atradius DSB's new business, marketing, events and social media deployment. Also responsible for policy management, including first line compliance, and handling insurance issues from the SME customer part of the ekv.
Stephan Naber has worked for Atradius DSB for more than 15 years. He started as an underwriter for transactions in the Eastern Europe region and then the Middle East.He has extensive experience in reviewing and underwriting different types of transactions in emerging markets in particular. He is a member of the Management Team, Risk Committee, ITC and CAR. He is currently the team leader of the SME Business development team. Stephan studied International Relations at the University of Groningen and International and European Law at the University of Leiden.
Het ondersteunen van onze klanten, groot en klein, bij hun activiteiten is het leukste wat er is.
Stephan Naber