Policies issued by Atradius DSB

We strive for the greatest possible openness in export transactions insured by Atradius Dutch state Business on behalf of the state.

Part of this is publication after the policy has been issued. Here you will find an overview of policies issued, excluding category A and B projects.

This page lists issued policies that do not belong to categories A or B, as these are published here. 

Several considerations precede the issuance of Export Credit Insurance policies on behalf of the government. For all transactions to be insured, we check whether the applicable conditions have been met, whereby we carry out assessments on a number of aspects. The aspects that are assessed include the following: 

  • Financial: This involves looking at the creditworthiness of the buyer. We look at the buyer's finances, such as his balance sheet and income statement. But also the payment experience we, or others, have. If it is a government buyer, we look at government finances and any budget allocation. Based on the analysis we do of that, we look at whether we believe the buyer can pay for the goods and/or services to be purchased. 
  • Economy and politics: We also look at "environmental factors. Is the country in which the buyer is located economically and politically stable? Are there any financial issues, for example with conversion of local currency or transfer capabilities? Are sanctions applicable? 
  • People and environment: We look at the effects of the transaction on the environment. We also look at how the rights of employees or people living on the project site are handled. We analyze these aspects using the CSR Policy Document
  • Bribery & corruption: We assess the bribery and corruption risk of the transaction, looking at both the exporter, buyer and any agent.  

For all export transactions or investments insured by us on behalf of the Dutch State, we publish a number of details, with the exception of Foreign Exchange Risk Insurance and registration guarantee coverage. Naturally, the legitimate interests of Dutch business remain safeguarded in this regard. 

For each individual insured export transaction or investment, this includes the name of the exporter, investor or financier, the name and country of the buyer, a description of the transaction or investment and the outcome of the environmental and social impact assessment.  

Publication of this information always takes place within one month of the policy being issued. If the prospective insured makes a request to this effect on the basis of compelling reasons at the time of her application, we may, with the agreement of the state, deviate from this deadline. 

Since the 1st of January 2018 the overviews are available in English. Older overviews (that we publish since the 1st of July 2002) are only available in Dutch. You can request them via info.dsb@atradius.com.


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