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Transparency, proposed and issued policies

Our policy developments, deliberations and issued policies are publicly available, all of which are set out in our disclosure policy. We also produce an annual overview of all our figures.

Disclosure policy

Atradius DSB is committed to a transparent working method and open communication with its stakeholders. Atradius DSB's transparency policy clarifies which information is made available when and in what way. The policy also describes which information is publicly available and which information cannot be disclosed on the basis of confidentiality. It is of great importance that Atradius DSB monitors the right balance between working as transparently as possible on the one hand and, on the other, taking care not to damage the confidence of exporters, banks and their customers.

Download our disclosure policy
Download our issued policies
Policies issued 2025
0.234MB PDF
Policies issued 2024
0.528MB PDF
Policies issued 2023
1.073MB PDF
Policies issued 2022
0.84MB PDF
Policies issued 2021
0.898MB PDF
Policies issued 2020
0.723MB PDF
Policies issued 2019
0.811MB PDF
Policies issued 2018
0.731MB PDF
Ekv policies 2016-2017
0.447MB PDF
Ekv policies 2015
0.029MB PDF
DGGF policies 2015
0.005MB PDF

Publications A and B projects

For category A and B projects, we carry out a comprehensive environmental and social assessment. Part of this is publication before and after issuance of the policy.

This includes a brief summary of the environmental and social considerations. A project is classified as "A" if there are potentially major adverse environmental and social impacts from the project that extend beyond the project site. A project is classified as "B" if there are potentially substantial adverse environmental and social impacts, which are confined to the project boundaries. A brief summary of environmental and social considerations is published after the policy is issued. For Category A, we do additional publication prior to issuance of the policy. For further information on our categorization, please refer to the CSR Policy Document.

Publication of proposed category A projects (ex-ante)

Based on international agreements and Dutch policy, we publish category A projects at least 30 days before the policy is issued. Anyone interested in the published project can request the environmental and social impact assessment from the Atradius DSB contact person during this publication period.

Publication of issued category A and B projects (ex-post)

Out of a commitment to transparency, since January 1, 2023, we have been providing a brief summary of environmental and social considerations for both A and B projects after a policy has been issued. For category A projects, this information has already been published since 2016. For 2016 and 2017, you will find this information in a separate document, and for 2018 through 2022, this information is included in the overall summary of policies issued. These documents are published below.

OECD reports of category A and B projects.

State credit insurers in OECD countries are required to report their Category A and B projects covered by the Common Approaches to the OECD. The OECD produces a summary of these reports each year, which it publishes on its site.


Contact an Atradius Dutch State Business CSR advisor on 020 553 2693 or E&

Download our publication A and B projects
Ex-ante publication A projects
0.189MB PDF
Ex post publication A and B projects 2024
0.528MB PDF
Ex post publication A and B projects 2023
1.073MB PDF
Ex post publication A projects 2016-2018
0.123MB PDF

Publication of proposed DGGF projects (ex-ante)

Before we can issue a DGGF policy, we must first publish it on our website for at least a month. This is the so-called ex-ante list. You can find it below.

Download our DGGF ex-ante list
DGGF ex-ante
0.198MB PDF

More transparency

View our environmental, social and compliance policy documents

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